Thursday, March 12, 2015
A DUEL by Guy de Maupassant
The war was over. The Germans occupied France. The whole country was pulsating like a conquered wrestler beneath the knee of his victorious opponent.
The first trains from Paris, distracted, starving, despairing Paris, were making their way to the new frontiers, slowly passing through the country districts and the villages. The passengers gazed through the windows at the ravaged fields and burned hamlets. Prussian soldiers, in their black helmets with brass spikes, were smoking their pipes astride their chairs in front of the houses which were still left standing. Others were working or talking just as if they were members of the families. As you passed through the different towns you saw entire regiments drilling in the squares, and, in spite of the rumble of the carriage-wheels, you could every moment hear the hoarse words of command.
M. Dubuis, who during the entire siege had served as one of the National Guard in Paris, was going to join his wife and daughter, whom he had prudently sent away to Switzerland before the invasion.
Famine and hardship had not diminished his big paunch so characteristic of the rich, peace-loving merchant. He had gone through the terrible events of the past year with sorrowful resignation and bitter complaints at the savagery of men. Now that he was journeying to the frontier at the close of the war, he saw the Prussians for the first time, although he had done his duty on the ramparts and mounted guard on many a cold night.
He stared with mingled fear and anger at those bearded armed men, installed all over French soil as if they were at home, and he felt in his soul a kind of fever of impotent patriotism, at the same time also the great need of that new instinct of prudence which since then has, never left us. In the same railway carriage were two Englishmen, who had come to the country as sightseers and were gazing about them with looks of quiet curiosity. They were both also stout, and kept chatting in their own language, sometimes referring to their guidebook, and reading aloud the names of the places indicated.
Suddenly the train stopped at a little village station, and a Prussian officer jumped up with a great clatter of his sabre on the double footboard of the railway carriage. He was tall, wore a tight-fitting uniform, and had whiskers up to his eyes. His red hair seemed to be on fire, and his long mustache, of a paler hue, stuck out on both sides of his face, which it seemed to cut in two.
The Englishmen at once began staring, at him with smiles of newly awakened interest, while M. Dubuis made a show of reading a newspaper. He sat concealed in his corner like a thief in presence of a gendarme.
The train started again. The Englishmen went on chatting and looking out for the exact scene of different battles; and all of a sudden, as one of them stretched out his arm toward the horizon as he pointed out a village, the Prussian officer remarked in French, extending his long legs and lolling backward:
"I killed a dozen Frenchmen in that village and took more than a hundred prisoners."
The Englishmen, quite interested, immediately asked:
"Ha! and what is the name of this village?"
The Prussian replied:
"Pharsbourg." He added: "We caught those French scoundrels by the ears."
And he glanced toward M. Dubuis, laughing conceitedly into his mustache.
The train rolled on, still passing through hamlets occupied by the victorious army. German soldiers could be seen along the roads, on the edges of fields, standing in front of gates or chatting outside cafes. They covered the soil like African locusts.
The officer said, with a wave of his hand:
"If I had been in command, I'd have taken Paris, burned everything, killed everybody. No more France!"
The Englishman, through politeness, replied simply:
"Ah! yes."
He went on:
"In twenty years all Europe, all of it, will belong to us. Prussia is more than a match for all of them."
The Englishmen, getting uneasy, no longer replied. Their faces, which had become impassive, seemed made of wax behind their long whiskers. Then the Prussian officer began to laugh. And still, lolling back, he began to sneer. He sneered at the downfall of France, insulted the prostrate enemy; he sneered at Austria, which had been recently conquered; he sneered at the valiant but fruitless defence of the departments; he sneered at the Garde Mobile and at the useless artillery. He announced that Bismarck was going to build a city of iron with the captured cannon. And suddenly he placed his boots against the thigh of M. Dubuis, who turned away his eyes, reddening to the roots of his hair.
The Englishmen seemed to have become indifferent to all that was going on, as if they were suddenly shut up in their own island, far from the din of the world.
The officer took out his pipe, and looking fixedly at the Frenchman, said:
"You haven't any tobacco—have you?"
M. Dubuis replied:
"No, monsieur."
The German resumed:
"You might go and buy some for me when the train stops."
And he began laughing afresh as he added:
"I'll give you the price of a drink."
The train whistled, and slackened its pace. They passed a station that had been burned down; and then they stopped altogether.
The German opened the carriage door, and, catching M. Dubuis by the arm, said:
"Go and do what I told you—quick, quick!"
A Prussian detachment occupied the station. Other soldiers were standing behind wooden gratings, looking on. The engine was getting up steam before starting off again. Then M. Dubuis hurriedly jumped on the platform, and, in spite of the warnings of the station master, dashed into the adjoining compartment.
He was alone! He tore open his waistcoat, his heart was beating so rapidly, and, gasping for breath, he wiped the perspiration from his forehead.
The train drew up at another station. And suddenly the officer appeared at the carriage door and jumped in, followed close behind by the two Englishmen, who were impelled by curiosity. The German sat facing the Frenchman, and, laughing still, said:
"You did not want to do what I asked you?"
M. Dubuis replied:
"No, monsieur."
The train had just left the station.
The officer said:
"I'll cut off your mustache to fill my pipe with."
And he put out his hand toward the Frenchman's face.
The Englishmen stared at them, retaining their previous impassive manner.
The German had already pulled out a few hairs, and was still tugging at the mustache, when M. Dubuis, with a back stroke of his hand, flung aside the officer's arm, and, seizing him by the collar, threw him down on the seat. Then, excited to a pitch of fury, his temples swollen and his eyes glaring, he kept throttling the officer with one hand, while with the other clenched he began to strike him violent blows in the face. The Prussian struggled, tried to draw his sword, to clinch with his adversary, who was on top of him. But M. Dubuis crushed him with his enormous weight and kept punching him without taking breath or knowing where his blows fell. Blood flowed down the face of the German, who, choking and with a rattling in his throat, spat out his broken teeth and vainly strove to shake off this infuriated man who was killing him.
The Englishmen had got on their feet and came closer in order to see better. They remained standing, full of mirth and curiosity, ready to bet for, or against, either combatant.
Suddenly M. Dubuis, exhausted by his violent efforts, rose and resumed his seat without uttering a word.
The Prussian did not attack him, for the savage assault had terrified and astonished the officer as well as causing him suffering. When he was able to breathe freely, he said:
"Unless you give me satisfaction with pistols I will kill you."
M. Dubuis replied:
"Whenever you like. I'm quite ready."
The German said:
"Here is the town of Strasbourg. I'll get two officers to be my seconds, and there will be time before the train leaves the station."
M. Dubuis, who was puffing as hard as the engine, said to the Englishmen:
"Will you be my seconds?" They both answered together:
"Oh, yes!"
And the train stopped.
In a minute the Prussian had found two comrades, who brought pistols, and they made their way toward the ramparts.
The Englishmen were continually looking at their watches, shuffling their feet and hurrying on with the preparations, uneasy lest they should be too late for the train.
M. Dubuis had never fired a pistol in his life.
They made him stand twenty paces away from his enemy. He was asked:
"Are you ready?"
While he was answering, "Yes, monsieur," he noticed that one of the Englishmen had opened his umbrella in order to keep off the rays of the sun.
A voice gave the signal:
M. Dubuis fired at random without delay, and he was amazed to see the Prussian opposite him stagger, lift up his arms and fall forward, dead. He had killed the officer.
One of the Englishmen exclaimed: "Ah!" He was quivering with delight, with satisfied curiosity and joyous impatience. The other, who still kept his watch in his hand, seized M. Dubuis' arm and hurried him in double-quick time toward the station, his fellow-countryman marking time as he ran beside them, with closed fists, his elbows at his sides, "One, two; one, two!"
And all three, running abreast rapidly, made their way to the station like three grotesque figures in a comic newspaper.
The train was on the point of starting. They sprang into their carriage. Then the Englishmen, taking off their travelling caps, waved them three times over their heads, exclaiming:
"Hip! hip! hip! hurrah!"
And gravely, one after the other, they extended their right hands to M. Dubuis and then went back and sat down in their own corner.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
A Duel
Guy de Maupassant
I. Unfamiliar words
- clatter – to make a quick series of short loud sounds.
- pulsating – to exhibit a pulse or pulsation.
- hamlet – a small village.
- astride – with legs stretched wide apart.
- ravaged – an act or practice of ravaging.
- hoarse – having a harsh or rough sound.
- prudent – having or showing careful good judgment.
- famine – a situation in which many people do not have enough food to eat, s tarvation.
- paunch – a belly that sticks out specially on man.
- savagery – a cruel or violent act or action.
- ramparts – a tall, thick stone or dirt wall that is built around a castle, town, etc.
- ramparts – a tall, thick stone or dirt wall that is built around a castle, town, etc.
- whiskers – a hair that grows on a man's face.
- lolling – to hang loosely or laxly.
- conceitedly – having or showing too much pride in your own worth or goodness.
- impassive – not showing emotions.
- sneer – to smile or laugh at someone or something with an expression on your face that shows dislike and a lack of respect in a very own way.
- valiant – having or showing courage: very brave or courageous.
II. Essence of the story
"A Duel" is a short story about Mr. Dubuis's return after the German's conquered France.
III. Setting
A. Place
France – Paris – villages – fields – hamlets – houses – towns – Switzerland – home – railway - station – corner – horizon – Pharsbourg – roads – gates – cafes – Europe – Prussia – Austria –departments – Garde Mobile – city – island – platform – compartment – seat – Strasbourg – ramparts – train - carriage
B. Time
The war was over – during the entire siege – before the invasion – events – past year – for the first time – a cold night – the train started again – In twenty years
IV. Characters
- Mr. Dubuis
- The Germans
- German Soldiers
- The passengers
- Prussian Soldiers
- National Guard
- Englishmen
- Frenchmen
- Prussian detachment
- Station Master
V. Characterization
- Mr. Dubuis was a former National Guard in Paris and was on his way to join his wife and daughter but but he was prudently sent away to Switzerland before the invasion.
- The Germans were the invaders that conquered France.
- German Soldiers were the people that could be seen along the roads, on the edges of the field, standing in front of gates or chatting outside the cafes.
- The passengers were the people that gazing through the windows in the train and watching at the ravaged fields and burned hamlets.
- Prussian Soldiers were the people with black helmets with brass spikes smoking their pipes astride their chairs in front of the houses which were still left standing.
- National Guard was Mr. Dubuis's former job in Paris during the entire siege.
- Englishmen were the people showing impassive manner in the same railway carriage who had come to the country as sightseers gazing to Mr. Dubuis with the looks of quite curiosity.
- Frenchmen stands for the character of Mr. Dubuis.
- Prussian detachment were group of people that occupied the station.
- Station Master was the person-in-charge of the train and giving warnings before the engine was getting up steam before starting off again.
VI. The Plot
It appeared that Mr. Dubuis's journey back home from Paris by train have been filled of fear and danger when he saw the Prussians for the first time. In the same railway carriage their were two Englishmen that were gazing at him with the looks of curiosity and kept chatting in their own language. Suddenly the train stopped at a little village.He noticed a red haired Prussian Officer in uniform jumped up and started to stare at him but he just made a show of reading a newspaper and sat concealed in a corner like a thief in presence of a gendarme. As the train started again, the Englishmen when on chatting as one of them was blabbering about how he killed a dozen of Frenchmen and took more than a hundred in the village of Pharsbourg that he was pointing out. The train rolled on, victorious German army could be seen along the roads passing though occupied hamlets when the officer said that if he had been in command, he'll take Paris by burning everything and leaving no one alive and so no more France. The Englishman agreed to what the officer have said. The officer added that in twenty years all of Europe will belong to them and Prussia is more than a match for all of them but the Englishman was getting uneasy that he gone impassive and didn't replied to what the officer have said. The Prussian officer just laugh and start sneering on the places that they conquered. It became quiet that the Englishmen seemed became indifferent to all was going on. The officer took out his pipe and asked if he have any tabacco but then he replied that he don't have any. The officer even asked him to bought some when the train stops. As the train whistled, they stopped altogether at a station that had been burned down and the officer quickly grabbed his arm to bought what the officer have told but he rejected what the officer asked him to bought. The officer got pissed and told him that the officer would cut off his mustache to fill its pipe and the officer put out his hand towards his face but he retained his impassive manner. The officer had already pulled out a few hairs and was still tugging at his mustache. When he, with a back stoke of his hand, he flung aside the officer's arm and seizing the officer by the collar and threw the officer down on the seat. He kept throttling the officer with one hand, while the other clenched he began to strike the officer violent blows in the face. He crushed the officer with his enormous weight when the officer try to draw his sword. He kept punching the officer without taking breath or knowing where his blows fell. Blood flowed down on the officer's face, the officer spat out his broken teeth and vainly strove to shake off Mr. Dubuis who was killing him. The other Englishmen came closer in order to see better,standing full of mirth and curiosity, ready to bet for, or against,either combatant. After that, he exhausted by his violent efforts, rose and resumed his seat without uttering a word. The officer was beaten to death but he was still able to told Mr. Dubuis that unless he was given a satisfaction with pistols, he would kill him but then Mr. Dubuis confidently replied that whenever the officer like, he's quite ready. While in Strasbourg, the officer told that he'll get two officers to be his seconds. Mr. Dubuis puffing as hard the engine told the Englishmen to be his seconds and they both answered together "Oh, yes!" and the train stopped. In a minute, the Prussian had found two comrades, who brought pistols and made their way towards the ramparts while the Englishmen were continually looking at their watches, shuffling their feet and hurrying on with the preparations, uneasy lest they should be too late for the train. Mr. Dubuis had never fired a pistol in his life. They made him stand twenty paces away from his enemy. He was asked: "Are you ready?" While he was answering, he noticed that one of the Englishmen had opened his umbrella in order to keep off the rays of the sun. A voice gave the signal: "Fire!" After he fired at random without delay, he was amazed to see the Prussian opposite him stagger,lift his arms and fall forward, dead. As he killed the officer, one of the Englishmen was quivering with delight,satisfied curiosity and joyous impatience exclaimed: "Ah!" and the other who kept his watch on his hand grabbed Mr. Dubuis hand and hurried him in double-quick time toward the station, marking the time of his fellow-countryman as he ran beside them counting "One, two; one, two!" Three of them who was running abreast rapidly,made their way to the station like a grotesque figures in a comic newspaper. The train was on the point of starting as they sprang into their carriage. Taking off their travelling caps and waved them three times over their heads, exclaiming: "Hip! Hip! Hip! Hurrah! And gravely, one after the other, they extended their right hands to Mr. Dubuis and then went back and sat down in their corner.
VII. Its Point of View
The Author
VIII. Its Theme
a. The Beginning
"A Duel" is a short story about Mr. Dubuis's return after the Germans's conquered France.
b. The body
It appeared that Mr. Dubuis's journey back home from Paris by train have been filled of fear and danger when he saw the Prussians for the first time. In the same railway carriage their were two Englishmen that were gazing at him with the looks of curiosity and kept chatting in their own language. Suddenly the train stopped at a little village.He noticed a red haired Prussian Officer in uniform jumped up and started to stare at him but he just made a show of reading a newspaper and sat concealed in a corner like a thief in presence of a gendarme. As the train started again, the Englishmen when on chatting as one of them was blabbering about how he killed a dozen of Frenchmen and took more than a hundred in the village of Pharsbourg that he was pointing out. The train rolled on, victorious German army could be seen along the roads passing though occupied hamlets when the officer said that if he had been in command, he'll take Paris by burning everything and leaving no one alive and so no more France. The Englishman agreed to what the officer have said. The officer added that in twenty years all of Europe will belong to them and Prussia is more than a match for all of them but the Englishman was getting uneasy that he gone impassive and didn't replied to what the officer have said. The Prussian officer just laugh and start sneering on the places that they conquered. It became quiet that the Englishmen seemed became indifferent to all was going on. The officer took out his pipe and asked if he have any tabacco but then he replied that he don't have any. The officer even asked him to bought some when the train stops. As the train whistled, they stopped altogether at a station that had been burned down and the officer quickly grabbed his arm to bought what the officer have told but he rejected what the officer asked him to bought. The officer got pissed and told him that the officer would cut off his mustache to fill its pipe and the officer put out his hand towards his face but he retained his impassive manner. The officer had already pulled out a few hairs and was still tugging at his mustache. When he, with a back stoke of his hand, he flung aside the officer's arm and seizing the officer by the collar and threw the officer down on the seat. He kept throttling the officer with one hand, while the other clenched he began to strike the officer violent blows in the face. He crushed the officer with his enormous weight when the officer try to draw his sword. He kept punching the officer without taking breath or knowing where his blows fell. Blood flowed down on the officer's face, the officer spat out his broken teeth and vainly strove to shake off Mr. Dubuis who was killing him. The other Englishmen came closer in order to see better,standing full of mirth and curiosity, ready to bet for, or against,either combatant. After that, he exhausted by his violent efforts, rose and resumed his seat without uttering a word. The officer was beaten to death but he was still able to told Mr. Dubuis that unless he was given a satisfaction with pistols, he would kill him but then Mr. Dubuis confidently replied that whenever the officer like, he's quite ready. While in Strasbourg, the officer told that he'll get two officers to be his seconds. Mr. Dubuis puffing as hard the engine told the Englishmen to be his seconds and they both answered together "Oh, yes!" and the train stopped. In a minute, the Prussian had found two comrades, who brought pistols and made their way towards the ramparts while the Englishmen were continually looking at their watches, shuffling their feet and hurrying on with the preparations, uneasy lest they should be too late for the train. Mr. Dubuis had never fired a pistol in his life. They made him stand twenty paces away from his enemy. He was asked: "Are you ready?" While he was answering, he noticed that one of the Englishmen had opened his umbrella in order to keep off the rays of the sun. A voice gave the signal: "Fire!" After he fired at random without delay, he was amazed to see the Prussian opposite him stagger,lift his arms and fall forward, dead. As he killed the officer, one of the Englishmen was quivering with delight,satisfied curiosity and joyous impatience exclaimed: "Ah!" and the other who kept his watch on his hand grabbed Mr. Dubuis hand and hurried him in double-quick time toward the station, marking the time of his fellow-countryman as he ran beside them counting "One, two; one, two!" Three of them who was running abreast rapidly,made their way to the station like a grotesque figures in a comic newspaper. The train was on the point of starting as they sprang into their carriage. Taking off their travelling caps and waved them three times over their heads, exclaiming: "Hip! Hip! Hip! Hurrah! And gravely, one after the other, they extended their right hands to Mr. Dubuis and then went back and sat down in their corner.
c. The Ending
Anybody who thinks that he is more powerful than others by means of killings would not define that he is powerful enough because sometimes being wise is better than being brave.
X. Putting all of these together
"A Duel" is a short story about Mr. Dubuis's return after the German's conquered France.
It appeared that Mr. Dubuis's journey back home from Paris by train have been filled of fear and danger when he saw the Prussians for the first time. In the same railway carriage their were two Englishmen that were gazing at him with the looks of curiosity and kept chatting in their own language. Suddenly the train stopped at a little village.He noticed a red haired Prussian Officer in uniform jumped up and started to stare at him but he just made a show of reading a newspaper and sat concealed in a corner like a thief in presence of a gendarme. As the train started again, the Englishmen when on chatting as one of them was blabbering about how he killed a dozen of Frenchmen and took more than a hundred in the village of Pharsbourg that he was pointing out. The train rolled on, victorious German army could be seen along the roads passing though occupied hamlets when the officer said that if he had been in command, he'll take Paris by burning everything and leaving no one alive and so no more France. The Englishman agreed to what the officer have said. The officer added that in twenty years all of Europe will belong to them and Prussia is more than a match for all of them but the Englishman was getting uneasy that he gone impassive and didn't replied to what the officer have said. The Prussian officer just laugh and start sneering on the places that they conquered. It became quiet that the Englishmen seemed became indifferent to all was going on. The officer took out his pipe and asked if he have any tabacco but then he replied that he don't have any. The officer even asked him to bought some when the train stops. As the train whistled, they stopped altogether at a station that had been burned down and the officer quickly grabbed his arm to bought what the officer have told but he rejected what the officer asked him to bought. The officer got pissed and told him that the officer would cut off his mustache to fill its pipe and the officer put out his hand towards his face but he retained his impassive manner. The officer had already pulled out a few hairs and was still tugging at his mustache. When he, with a back stoke of his hand, he flung aside the officer's arm and seizing the officer by the collar and threw the officer down on the seat. He kept throttling the officer with one hand, while the other clenched he began to strike the officer violent blows in the face. He crushed the officer with his enormous weight when the officer try to draw his sword. He kept punching the officer without taking breath or knowing where his blows fell. Blood flowed down on the officer's face, the officer spat out his broken teeth and vainly strove to shake off Mr. Dubuis who was killing him. The other Englishmen came closer in order to see better,standing full of mirth and curiosity, ready to bet for, or against,either combatant. After that, he exhausted by his violent efforts, rose and resumed his seat without uttering a word. The officer was beaten to death but he was still able to told Mr. Dubuis that unless he was given a satisfaction with pistols, he would kill him but then Mr. Dubuis confidently replied that whenever the officer like, he's quite ready. While in Strasbourg, the officer told that he'll get two officers to be his seconds. Mr. Dubuis puffing as hard the engine told the Englishmen to be his seconds and they both answered together "Oh, yes!" and the train stopped. In a minute, the Prussian had found two comrades, who brought pistols and made their way towards the ramparts while the Englishmen were continually looking at their watches, shuffling their feet and hurrying on with the preparations, uneasy lest they should be too late for the train. Mr. Dubuis had never fired a pistol in his life. They made him stand twenty paces away from his enemy. He was asked: "Are you ready?" While he was answering, he noticed that one of the Englishmen had opened his umbrella in order to keep off the rays of the sun. A voice gave the signal: "Fire!" After he fired at random without delay, he was amazed to see the Prussian opposite him stagger,lift his arms and fall forward, dead. As he killed the officer, one of the Englishmen was quivering with delight,satisfied curiosity and joyous impatience exclaimed: "Ah!" and the other who kept his watch on his hand grabbed Mr. Dubuis hand and hurried him in double-quick time toward the station, marking the time of his fellow-countryman as he ran beside them counting "One, two; one, two!" Three of them who was running abreast rapidly,made their way to the station like a grotesque figures in a comic newspaper. The train was on the point of starting as they sprang into their carriage. Taking off their travelling caps and waved them three times over their heads, exclaiming: "Hip! Hip! Hip! Hurrah! And gravely, one after the other, they extended their right hands to Mr. Dubuis and then went back and sat down in their corner.
Anybody who thinks that he is more powerful than others by means of killings would not define that he is powerful enough because sometimes being wise is better than being brave.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Topic Generating Techniques
Brainstorming - is a group or individual creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its member(s). The term was popularized by Alex Faickney Osborn in the 1953 book Applied Imagination. Osborn claimed that brainstorming was more effective that individuals working alone in generating ideas, although more recent research has questioned this conclusion. Today, the term is used as a catch all for all group idealization sessions.
Brainstorming - is a group or individual creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously contributed by its member(s). The term was popularized by Alex Faickney Osborn in the 1953 book Applied Imagination. Osborn claimed that brainstorming was more effective that individuals working alone in generating ideas, although more recent research has questioned this conclusion. Today, the term is used as a catch all for all group idealization sessions.
Clustering - clustering can refer to the following:
Clustering - clustering can refer to the following:
In demographics:
- clustering (demographics) the gathering of various based on factors such as ethnicity economics or religion.
In graph theory:
- The formation of clusters of linked nodes in a network, measured by the clustering coefficient.
In statistics and data mining:
- a result of cluster analysis.
- an algorithm for cluster analysis, a method for statistical analysis.
In computing:
- cluster (computing), the technique of linking many computers together to act like a single computer.
- data cluster, an allocation of contiguous storage in databases and life systems
- in hash tables, mapping of keys to nearby slots.
In computing:
- cluster (computing), the technique of linking many computers together to act like a single computer.
- data cluster, an allocation of contiguous storage in databases and life systems
- in hash tables, mapping of keys to nearby slots.
Freewriting - is a prewriting technique in which a person writes continuously for a set period of time without regard to spell, grammar, or topic. It produces raw, often unusable material, but helps writers overcome blocks of apathy and self-criticism. It is used mainly by prose writers and writing teachers. Some writers use the technique to collect initial thoughts and ideas on a topic, often as a preliminary to formal writing. Free writing is not the same as automatic writing.
Unlike brainstorming where ideas are simply listed, in freewriting one writes sentences to form a paragraph about whatever comes to mind.
Freewriting - is a prewriting technique in which a person writes continuously for a set period of time without regard to spell, grammar, or topic. It produces raw, often unusable material, but helps writers overcome blocks of apathy and self-criticism. It is used mainly by prose writers and writing teachers. Some writers use the technique to collect initial thoughts and ideas on a topic, often as a preliminary to formal writing. Free writing is not the same as automatic writing.
Unlike brainstorming where ideas are simply listed, in freewriting one writes sentences to form a paragraph about whatever comes to mind.
Rebus Writing - a rebus is an allusional device that users pictures to represent words or parts of words. It was a favourite form of heradic expression used in the Middle Ages to denote surnames.
For example, in its basic form, three salmon (fish) are used to denote the name "Salmon". A more sophisticated examples was the rebus of Bishop Walter Lyhart of Norwich, consisting of a stag (or hart) lying down in a conventional representation of water.
The composition alludes to the name, profession or personal characteristics of the bearer, and speaks to the beholder Non verbis, sed rebus, which Latin expression signifies "not by words but by things".

Pictogram - a pictogram, also called a pictogramme, pictograph, or simply picto, and also an icon, is an ideogram that conveys its remaining through its pictorial resemblance to physical object. Pictograms are often used in writing and graphic systems in which the characters are to a considerable extent pictorial in appearance.
Pictography is a form of writing which users representational, pictorial drawings, similarly to cuneiform and, to some extent, hieroglyphic writing, which also uses drawings as phonetic letters or determinative rhymes. In certain modern use, pictograms participate to a formal language (e.g. Hazards pictograms).
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